Part 1: In the office of the Karnataka CM... A wizened man was scanning the day’s newspapers, character by character, pixel by pixel, hoping to find a positive reference in a news article, leave alone stumbling upon a glowing reader’s comment. Frustrated, he threw away the bunch of newspapers – English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam dailies. “Perhaps we must subscribe to the ideology of paid news,” he remarked. “At least then I can get to see something positive published about me.” His personal secretary, to whom he spoke, reflected, “Perhaps, we could think of positive governance,” but looked up in a startle, when he realised that his official was glaring at him, perhaps reading his thoughts. “I agree with you entirely, sir. We could speak to the senior editors of some dailies and probably get them on our payroll,” he said half-heartedly. “Don’t you think they may go public on any such overture of ours?” “Why not,” blurted the secretary, but was quick enough to...
Here's how I make sense of my thoughts... well, at least pretend to